Training and Innovation // Discussion Topics - Training and Innovation en-us Chloe Bailey //  

At present, researchers and practitioners recognize that an organization's ability to innovate new products and services helps the organization achieve a competitive advantage. Training is a way of increasing organizational performance and production; that is why it should be involved in the organization’s management. As a rule, the company relies on a 3-step approach that consists of such stages as pre-training, training, and post-training. Terrence Donahue, corporate director of learning, stated: “It’s important to treat training as a process, not an event”.

The pre-training stage prepares learners for new expectations in their work. The trainer aims to provoke interest; without interest and desire, training will be not effective. The pre-training stage can last from several minutes to several hours. The training stage demands a good trainer (manager) who can communicate effectively, give feedback, set goals and performance standards. To make an organization innovative and advance, managers should pay more attention to the training of practical skills. During training, experts recommend staying focused, use leaders as trainers, facilitate peer connection, keep the classroom and continue to train. One should only use relevant information that will help to innovate and implement new ideas. The post-training stage should include the implementation of inborn skills in practice to analyze the results of training.

To help the organization achieve a competitive advantage, one should conduct different seminars and conferences where employees can get theoretical material and then apply it practically. Moreover, one should conduct opinion surveys to measure the effectiveness of training. One may perform organizational training with the help of experience, training programs, work interaction and experimentation within the organization. Without a doubt, training new skills lead to the innovation of new products and services and this process demands collective actions and teamwork.

Training plays a prominent role in generating innovations. Development initiatives and employee training help an organization to advance and transform. Providing extra skills to employees increases productivity and safety and leads to job satisfaction as extra skills to improve corporate performance. When an employee is knowledgeable and competent, he/she makes the right decisions that benefit the company and customer.

To make an organization innovative, one should not only train special skills but create a positive environment within the organization and provide organizational culture between employees. Organizational culture includes attitudes, values, beliefs concerning practices and goals of an organization. Employee motivation, job satisfaction, adopting new methods and technologies, creativity in products and strategies and a good company image can generate innovations.

Innovation is impossible without talent, innovations, experiments, practice, and endless possibilities. Every person can develop these categories, but the level of potentials and abilities are difficult to measure. This level varies from one person to another, but the right training can develop them. Strategic resources focus on individual skills development, individual responsibility, and goal achievements. When a person owns the necessary resources and competence, he/she will reach what he/she desires.

Training is aimed to provide a competitive advantage of a company’s workforce. Employees should be well trained, motivated, experienced and dedicated, and this is the strategic approach of Human Resource Management that can solve this problem. Well-trained and motivated employees can provide productivity and efficiency in company operations. Increasing product quality also depends on employees; that is why one should not ignore this aspect of management. Strategic Human Resource Management is based on the hiring of employees with high potential and desire for professional growth. Besides, Strategic Human Resource Management also allows all employees to train, learn, and grow.

Training is a way to organizational innovation. Organizational innovation is a process of creation of new behavior and ideas within the organization. Organizational innovation is a multiple and complex process that is evaluated from two aspects: breadth of innovation and depth of innovation. The breadth of innovation includes the manufacturer of products and services. The depth of innovation includes the degree of influence and importance.

With the development of innovative technologies, many organizations are looking for new ideas, ways, experimentation, and solutions for improving their services and products; that is why organizational innovation can solve this dilemma.

Nobody denies the fact that employee training can improve organizational performance. Employee training develops a sense of well-being, dignity, and self-worth. As a result, employees become more confident in their abilities and skills. Training results in increased productivity of the company’s employees. At first, they achieve personal goals and then they fulfill company goals.

To implement innovation in organization training is not the only way of doing this. Satisfaction and employee commitment can also be the driving forces for development and innovation. For example, performance appraisal also stimulates employees to work, creativity and commitment. Performance appraisal also leads them to innovative activities and additional bonuses. Besides, motivation is the most powerful way to innovate. Another driving force of organizational innovation is training as it helps to master the ability, skill, and knowledge that contribute to the innovation of production processes, products, and services.

Concluding, it is worth saying that training is the way to innovation. Training impacts on the bottom line. It means that employee training improves organizational performance, creates a high-performance business. Moreover, it provides staff retention. Instead of recruiting new staff, it is cheaper to train and reinvest the currently available employees. Employee training gives a flow-on effect. It decreases wasted materials and time, maintains costs of equipment. Training improves productivity and quality. Training meets the needs of both sides: employee and employer. It provides efficiency and accuracy as well as safe conditions of work and great customer service. For the sake of training, an organization remains a competitive one. Training improves the moral spirit of employees, time management, leadership, and inter-staff communication.

To improve organizations’ innovation performance, one can use training programs. Consistent and Predictable Innovation Performance Training Program is based on product innovation and the accelerating of new products. Besides, it advances the organization’s performance and proposes new methods and techniques for achieving a competitive advantage. One can also apply Training Programs That Address Your Needs for improving organizations’ innovation performance. It proposes different projects for developing employee skills. Certified Trainers That Deliver Engaging Courses propose different books, materials, and courses for improving knowledge and skills. All these training programs will be effective as they are aimed for improvement, development, and innovation.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say that training is a way of increasing organizational performance and production; that is why it should be involved in the organization’s management. To help the organization achieve a competitive advantage, one should conduct different seminars and conferences where employees can receive relevant theoretical material and then apply it practically. Innovation is impossible without talent, experiments, practice, and endless possibilities. Nobody denies the fact that employee training can improve an organization’s innovation performance. Employee training develops a sense of well-being, dignity, and self-worth; as a result, employees become more confident in their abilities and skills. Training is an effective way to introduce organizational innovation. Organizational innovation is a process of creating new behavior and ideas within the organization.

This article was written by one of the best writers at the white paper writing service - Chloe Bailey. 

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