Best Details For The Best Recycling Process // Discussion Topics - Best Details For The Best Recycling Process en-us Total Recycling and Waste Solutions // What Waste Management Solutions Waits for You

Recycling paper is beneficial for many reasons such as reducing the amount of waste, saving raw material and avoiding the import of pulp from abroad. And this purpose can be solved that much easy when with get in touch with companies like Total Recycling and Waste Solutions.

Why Recycle?

The benefits of paper recycling are many:

Reduction of the amount of household waste: recycling gives a second life to paper, and thus avoids it being stored in landfills or burn in incinerators. In addition, reducing the amount of household waste reduces the cost of their treatment.

Saving raw materials: one ton of recycled paper saves 1.41 tons of wood, 48.2 cubic meters of water and 10.25 Megawatts of electricity. The construct of recycled paper use to consume 6 times a lesser amount of water, 2 times a lesser amount of energy. It happens to generate 25 times a lesser amount of chemical pollution and 6 times less biological pollution.

Avoid importing pulp and paper because of the higher paper consumption in Florida than production. Here come Total Recycling and Waste Solutions to advice you properly regarding the same.

The paper can be recycled 5-7 times without altering the quality. The cardboard can be recycled a dozen times.

List Of Recyclable Products

  • Sheet of paper (blank or not)
  • Notebook, notepad, diary
  • Book, magazine
  • Envelope
  • Food brick, food carton
  • Cardboard packaging
  • Photo paper
  • Cardboard bag
  • Cardboard gift wrap
  • Wallpaper
  • Recycling

There are 2 categories of paper and cardboard packaging:

  • recovered household packaging (EMR) such as flat or corrugated cardboard boxes, cases, paper bags and sachets ...
  • food liquid packaging, such as bricks for fruit juice, milk, soup ... Because of their composition (75% of cardboard, 20% of plastic and 5% of aluminum), they require specific facilities to be processed.

To these two categories should be added paper from newspapers, magazines, books ... which is treated separately and will give recycled paper sheets.

The recycling of paper and cardboard makes it possible to manufacture essentially:

Packaging and packaging: depending on the final product to be produced, the paper industry will use more or less recycled paper: 95% for corrugated cardboard, 82% for flat cardboard, 51% for hygiene paper and 29% for paper.

Newspaper and Sheet of Paper: Recycled fibers account for 58% of the base material for pulp production, all uses combined.

For paper and cardboard recycling to be carried out correctly, they must be sorted with attention to mixed paper-plastic products. This is why some organizations refuse box and craft paper envelopes because they can contain bubble wrap.

Paper and cardboard that is not soiled and not fragmented (to allow handling operations) are sorted and then pulped to separate the cellulose fibers and eliminate the residual products. This pulp is then purified and decanted to remove the chemical components of the paper such as glues, varnishes and inks. The pulp thus obtained is then drained and dried before being converted into coils which will be used for the production of new cardboard packaging and sheets of paper.

During the process with Total Recycling and Waste Solutions, the cellulosic fibers deteriorate and it is, therefore, possible to recycle these fibers a dozen times. Beyond this, other treatment routes are used, such as biological or energy valuations.




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