Buying of Topsoil // Discussion Topics - Buying of Topsoil en-us hanks trucking // Topsoil is known as the upper most layer of soil made up of organic matter that is rich in nutrients. It also has carbon and nitrogen present in it along with decomposed worms and beetles etc. 

Why buy Topsoil?
It has numerous benefits. It can be used for foundation for lawns and hard surfaces. It also prevents erosion and diseases. It decreases farmers’ dependency on chemical fertilizers. It makes the lawn healthy resulting in added drought-resistance. These are just few of the effective advantages Topsoil has. 
You may decide to buy topsoil if the to-be garden space is a patio or courtyard with no natural soil, or if the existing soil is poor in nutrients and in bad condition. 

Product choice
Topsoil is generally available in three grades. These are premium grade, general-purpose grade and economy grade. These fulfil your requirements and you can choose according to what suits your garden more. 

Premium grade:
This is high in fertility. With the strong structure, it can be used in flower beds or creating news beds. It is also used in compost mixes for container grown plants at the nurseries. Its pH is 5.5-7.8. This type of Topsoil is expensive compared to others but worth it. 

General-purpose grade:
This is used for making new beds or borders, may be as a base for sowing new lawns. It is available in different screen size grades. Finer grades are used as top dressing on lawn while coarser grades are used for laying turf. Its pH is 5.0-8.2.

Economy grade:
It is relatively cheaper and used for the areas where volume is required, and quality can be compromised. Its pH is 5.0-8.2. This is usually supplied as dug (unscreened) topsoil

Buying Topsoil
It is efficient to check the topsoil before you buy it. You should eye thick fibrous roots, high stone content, weeds and contaminants such as glass and brick. You should get details from the seller as to where it is supplied from and you can even request a soil analysis undertaking if the seller has got it done. If he claims any particular qualities of topsoil, make sure to get that in writing. 
Keep your gardens healthy and don’t compromise on quality. 

Tue, 19 May 2020 00:54:49